Parking charges to return in flood-hit areas next week

A man wades through flood waters at Hebden Bridge in West Yorkshire, where flood sirens were sounded after torrential downpours. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Saturday December 26, 2015. See PA story WEATHER Floods. Photo credit should read: Peter Byrne/PA WireA man wades through flood waters at Hebden Bridge in West Yorkshire, where flood sirens were sounded after torrential downpours. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Saturday December 26, 2015. See PA story WEATHER Floods. Photo credit should read: Peter Byrne/PA Wire
A man wades through flood waters at Hebden Bridge in West Yorkshire, where flood sirens were sounded after torrential downpours. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Saturday December 26, 2015. See PA story WEATHER Floods. Photo credit should read: Peter Byrne/PA Wire
Two months on from the devastating floods that hit Calderdale on Boxing Day, and communities are slowly beginning to return to normal, with many shops and businesses reopening.

Council services will also return to normal. In affected areas, parking charges were suspended and skip hire has been free of charge since the floods hit, but this period of relief is due to end on Tuesday, March 1.

More than £100,000 worth of skips have been made available by the Council to homes and businesses who have experienced flood damage. Requests for skips have been reducing, as the majority of damaged items have been removed from homes or businesses.

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Parking charges in flood affected areas will return on Tuesday, March 1. The suspension of charges was extended from the end of January until the end of February, with the last day of free parking in the affected Council run car parks now being Monday, February 29.

However, financial support is still available, with grants for those affected, as well as relief from council tax and business rates. Full details of all the flooding help is available at by searching for ‘flood funding’.

Councillor Barry Collins, deputy leader of Calderdale Council, said: “To help communities get back on their feet, we have extended our offer of support for as long as we have been able. The after effects from the flooding will be felt for a long while yet, but communities are returning to something like normal.

“The free parking was a big help for people emptying properties or assisting with the clean up, but now that businesses are reopening in the affected towns, it’s important that there is a good turnover of spaces to boost trade.

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“Of course our offer of financial support is still available and I’d encourage anyone who hasn’t yet taken up this offer to apply.

“There are grants for both businesses and residents, as well as funding to help protect properties from future flooding.”