Five ways to prevent lockdown boredom snacking

Sticking to a routine, having a specific work zone and managing workloads are three ways to avoid boredom snacking.

Now, Steve Ahern, personal trainer and the face of musclefood’s diet and fitness programme Do The Unthinkable programme, has revealed five tips to help curb self-isolating snacking.

1. Schedule

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If you keep to a routine and know exactly when you’ll be eating and snacking, your body will begin to get hungry when it knows it’s time to have food.

When you’re working in the office you tend to stick to eating three square meals a day with perhaps one or two snacks a day.

Try and stick to this.

2. Eat healthy

If you are going to be snacking, choose healthier snacks.

Although unhealthier snacks like chocolate will make you feel good straight away, when you eventually crash, you’ll be regretting your snacking choice.

Also, think about how much you’re eating.

If you’re opening a large family pack of crisps, try and eat it throughout the week instead of in one day.

3. Keep tasks separate

Try and keep your workspace separate to your eating space.

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If you are eating and working in the same space it becomes easier to surround yourself with food and snacks throughout the day.

Your brain therefore doesn’t have any boundaries and doesn’t know when it’s time to work or time to eat.