Businesses invited to play their part in Tour de Yorkshire

Last years Tour de France on Commercial Street, Hebden Bridge.Last years Tour de France on Commercial Street, Hebden Bridge.
Last years Tour de France on Commercial Street, Hebden Bridge.
Businesses across Calderdale are being invited to a series of Tour de Yorkshire roadshows as the county gears up to host the inaugural international cycle race.

The roadshows, run by Welcome to Yorkshire and local authorities, will give information, facts and advice on how to make the most of the event.

Gary Verity, chief executive of Welcome to Yorkshire, said: “We saw a huge appetite for all things Yorkshire last year when we hosted the Grand Départ of the Tour de France, and this new race will bring back some of the world’s best teams.

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“This means spectators from far and wide and the most fantastic advert our county can wish for – global television coverage. The roadshows will help businesses prepare in the run up to the event, race days themselves and of course long in to the future as we establish Yorkshire as Europe’s number one cycling destination.”

There are roadshows at the Hebden Bridge town hall on March 19 at 6.30pm and Ripponden Junior and Infant School on March 31 at 6.45pm.