Letter: Keep with Corbyn

Jeremy CorbynJeremy Corbyn
Jeremy Corbyn
Holly Lynch MP testifies to the qualities of Labour leadership candidate Owen Smith but I nevertheless have voted to confirm Jeremy Corbyn in post, because of Abraham Lincoln's epigram that 'It doesn't do to swap horses in midstream'.

Mr Corbyn’s grasp of the concerns of Britain’s traditional “working class” communities has achieved a remarkable influx of party members from that enclave and beyond, and it would be silly to dam the flow which now has quadrupled the attendance at Todmorden branch meetings since Blair’s day when the local work was shouldered by a small “skeleton staff” of volunteers. Let us have no more jeremiads about party-splits, and let our professionals honour us in the spirit of William Morris: “A people’s voice, we are a people yet. Though all men else their nobler dreams forget”.